Cheney and his Torture Camps
We cannot gloss over this one: why is Dick Cheney working so hard to stop the enactment of legislation requiring the U.S to abide by international laws regarding torture? Because he is an unreconstructed thug. The trouble is that he’s our thug. He is trying to water down the bill passed [by a 90 to 5 vote] in the Senate that would apply good old American decency to the various camps it sends prisoners of war to. Cheney wants a loophole so that the CIA can be exempt. In other words he wants to continue the policies that have allowed such unsavory practises as rendition which is where the U.S sends prisoners to allies who aren’t quite as squeamish about torture and then pretends that it isn’t involved in torture itself. The irony of Cheney’s obssession with torture is that one of the camps he wants the CIA to continue using is a Soviet era left-over from the Cold War. So much for moral values! So much for being a shining light of freedom! Is Cheney’s vision of America really our’s? I hope not. No wonder the world views America so poorly nowadays. We have to recover the moral high ground. Which we cannot do while the likes of Cheney are at the helm.