Budget Office Highlights Bush Deficit Disaster
Not much to add here. The Congressional Budget Office now reports that Bush’s budget plans would add about $1.2 trillion to the national debt over the next decade. The New York Times has a report here: Bush Plan Would Raise Deficit by $1.2 Trillion, Budget Office Says
The only thing we have going for us here is that Bush has lost so much support amongst Republicans that his budget plan is never going to see the light of day. The problem is that these same spineless Republicans, who are so keen to fall into line over things like the (un)Patriot Act, have no alternative plans. These are the fools who voted in all those tax cuts, along with the biggest spending spree in the country’s history (remember the bridge to nowhere?). They can hardly claim to be heroes trying to hold the red ink at bay.
Dick Cheney may be right when he says that deficits don’t matter, at least in the short run, but where he has it all wrong is when the sea of red ink now washing over America stops it doing things it mights want to do. There just isn’t enough money to have the size defense (offense?) spending the Republicans love to have and simultaneously have those social programs. Something’s going to have to give.
There’s a budget crisis just over the horizon and the Republicans deserve all the blame.