C—- W–f—

Here in the US we are not supposed to talk about c—- w–f— because, well it’s the land of opportunity, and classes don’t exist. That’s a problem for the old world. Here in this new world c—- w–f— cannot occur.


Poor Robert Reich endured a confrontation at an airport. He was branded a Commie dirtbag by some fan of Fox News.

Well, he’s in good company. Here’s an email I received after my blog about class issues at Harvard:

“I’m sure Harvard is happy it graduated another closet Communist.  In between picketing Wall Street assignments, you might try to get ahead like the rest of us–hard work.”

Odd isn’t it that anyone who opposes the rent seeking behavior of the 1%; or who argues that there ought to be  balance in the risk/reward of life for all our citizens – not just a privileged few; or who suggests that presenting an economic policy list that systematically benefits one group above all other groups is immoral; or has the temerity to think that the poor are not necessarily lazy “moochers”; and argues that bankers need to face the consequences of their own ineptitude without being bailed out, is a “closet communist”.

I think they protest too much.

The gigs up.

They drove the economy off the cliff as they sucked it dry. Their policies are manifestly anti-social. And they have failed. They know that the end game has begun for Reaganism with its racist, elitist, and sexist undertones. And they are scared. very scared.

So they lash out irrationally. Stupidly. And are brazen about flaunting their ignorance.

After all ignorance didn’t stop them getting wealthy did it?

Sorry. Oops. My bad. It was hard work.

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