More Extremism

Nobody likes losing elections. To do so is to suffer the rejection of things held dear. Still there’s always the next, which is a saving feature of democracy. Apparently the Republicans have no time for democracy: they want to short circuit the process and topple Obama right now. More particularly they want to topple Obamacare. This is making them say and do some truly stupid things.

Obamacare is the law of the land. It was passed with due process. It was signed into law appropriately. It even survive a challenge in the Supreme Court. It is as constitutionally solid as can be. Not only this but it featured strongly as an issue on last year’s election, and the guy advocating it beat the guy opposed to it. Handily. As in not even close. So the public has spoken.

This is a nuisance for the Republicans who want to get rid of it – and, I suspect all the other horrible social programs the federal government offers its citizenry.

So. What to do?

Well behave like a damned fool. That’s Ted Cruz’s solution. He’s an idiot. And he’s from Texas so he’s a big idiot – everything is bigger down there. So he’s thrown himself into a frenzy of “defunding” Obamacare. So obstinate is he that he is threatening to take the government budget down with him and, if need be, to force the shut down of all government services. This is lunacy because Obamacare would continue to get funding even if the government is shut down. That’s the law.

The point that appears lost on Republicans is that if there’s a law you don’t like you simply need to win an election and then legislate its elimination. The difficult part being to win the election. Which, for the modern Republicans is becoming ever more difficult.

So difficult that some of their more extreme followers – the true believers – feel disenfranchised. None of their kooky ideas seems to be getting much mass support.

Which can mean only one thing in the mind of a true believer: there’s a conspiracy afoot. It can’t be that the idea is kooky after all.

As proof of what can happen next I offer you these comments by one Larry Klayman, and avowed conservative and someone not yet convinced that Obama is actually American.

In a recent article he said that:

Obama will be forced to answer for his “criminality” and “Muslim, socialist, anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, anti-white, pro-illegal immigrant, pro-radical gay and lesbian agenda.”

A better articulation of the right wing’s laundry list of all that’s wrong in America you could not ask for. Clearly Klayman is a fact based kind of guy.

He goes on:

“We must act now. Our Founding Fathers pledged their sacred honor, fortunes, and lives to form a new nation under God. They knew that the odds of defeating the British were not great, save for His Divine grace and intervention. Now, 237 years after they signed the Declaration of Independence in my native city of Philadelphia, the nation has come full circle to the tyranny that has been imposed by a new despot, one far more evil than King George III. King George III may have been a greedy “control freak,” but at least he was a Christian. The United States is being run by a Muslim bent on furthering an Islamic caliphate who seeks to destroy our spirituality and the body politic of our Judeo-Christian roots.

Life is not easy. It requires risk and sacrifice. If as a nation we want to restore our freedom, and we are on the verge of being enslaved under Obama’s socialist Muslim inclinations, we must take our fight to a new level. Tea partiers, bikers, construction workers, police officers, school teachers, farmers, truckers, clergy, housewives, husbands, students, doctors, lawyers and all elements of our society who see our nation slipping away into the abyss, must now stand tall and descend on the capital, much like the Egyptians recently did in ousting another radical Muslim, their then president Mohammed Morsi. If the Egyptians can seek to rid their country of the poison of the Muslim Brotherhood without any real history of democracy, then we Americans, who know what democracy is and have practiced it prior to the ascension of the great usurper, can and must succeed.”


I guess that’s all more fun than actually, you know, trying to win elections.

America is exceptional. Exceptionally dumb sometimes.


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