Romney and Health Care

Could he be more stupid?

Not only is Mitt Romney the architect of Obamacare via the system he invented for Massachusetts, and mightily reviled by the right wing for it, but he is also a huge fan of all things Israeli. As you all know it is essential that any candidate for president in the US abandon all objectivity and instead throw themselves fully behind Israel no matter what the consequences. And Romney has gone further than most. He has embraced the Israeli health care system, the results of which he has praised to the rafters.

And indeed the Israeli system is a paragon of low cost efficiency with spending limits set per person, hard negotiation over prices, and great pressure on doctors to provide value for money.

It is also a government run single payer system.

It is the very antithesis of the US system. And is the kind of evil government intrusion into private lives that the modern Republican party so despises.

In other words, in his zeal to endorse all things Israeli as he chases the American Jewish vote, Romney has lauded the anti-christ of health care systems.

It will be fun to watch him walk this back. Has there ever been a more inept candidate? Not even Bush was this dumb.

I never thought I would say that.

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