Unsound Bites #2

Wow. I didn’t think I would surface more lunacy so quickly. But I did.

You all know who Elizabeth Warren is. She is the scourge of the banks, high finance, and all who are associated with the noble profession of fleecing regular folk who are either too dull, lazy, or bored to read through the usual 600 pages of fine print that came with all those great financial innovations of the past decade or so. She was so horrible and reviled by Republicans that Obama – her fellow traveling socialist co-conspirator – was too scared to nominate her as head of the newly established Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. In the view of the banks they needed protection from consumers, not the other way around. She was their implacable enemy. No friend of the banks is she.

Imagine, then, my surprise when I read that Karl Rove, that friend of consumers everywhere, and very close buddy of George W. Bush, is accusing Warren of being too closely associated with Wall Street to be a reliable representative of the great state of Massachusetts, where she is running for election to the Senate next year. She had something to do with TARP. And we all know how awful that was, being a hand out of taxpayer money to the banks. Warren, Rove says, is way to tainted by her Wall Street associations and friendships to be a representative of regular people.


TARP was a Bush sanctioned program.

Darn those facts.

Anyway. We have a winner for my Unsound Bite list.

Elizabeth Warren is a socialist too closely aligned with Wall Street.

Who knew that was possible?

Karl Rove apparently.

I told you this was silly season. We have a year of this yet.

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