Administration Lies About the War
So what’s new about that? Well I suppose the news is that at least people are now getting their views aired. The controversy over pat Tillman’s death is an example. Here’s the New York Time’s report: Panel Hears About Falsehoods in 2 Wartime Incidents
The news is not that the Pentagon lied after being pressured by the Bush regime, it’s that we would never have heard this story were it not for the last election. Only after the Democrats took control of Congress along with the associated oversight power did this kind of story start reaching the public. Bush and his spin masters had no intention at all of letting us know the truth. It is disgusting enough that Tillman’s death, and Lynch’s capture were faslely spun into war-fervor inducing publicity stunts, it is worse that our government is in the hands of people who are willing to lie about soemone’s death in order to build support for their own cause.
It is astonishing that the main stream media is not incensed over this. A gross distortion of the truth was spread about in the media in order to whip up support for the war. Why are the talking heads not beside themselves with rage for being played for such fools?
Maybe becasue they still can’t, or won’t, grasp the breadth and depth of the corruption inside Bushville.