Scandal Document Sample

Here is an example of how screwed up this scandal is. I have linked to a sample available over at Talking Points Memo:The TPM DOCUMENT COLLECTION – Scrawled Notes About Motivations for Firings

So here is someone’s [Monic Goodling’s?] scribbled notes about the reasons the US Attorneys were fired. Lots of jottings and what looks like “brainstorming”.

A couple of worthwhile comments arise here:

First: Notice that Senator Domenici is specifically mentioned as having complained about Inglesias. This confirms earlier speculation that there was political pressure, during a tight election, to get a change that might help in the local re-election efforts [Rep. Heather Wilson did indeed retain her seat against a vigorous Dem. challenger}

Second: This document dates from February 12th 2007. The Attorneys were fired on December 7th 2006. So they were trying to figure out why the firings took place two months later?

Just an example of why this thing will rumble on: they’re lying about something and trying to hide someone’s influence.

Leahy is an old hound dog on the trail. Let’s see what he finds.

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