Gates Says U.S. Not Winning War in Iraq
Well duh! I suppose that along with all the recrimination being vented by the right wingers [see yesterday’s post about how we stabbed them in the back] must also come an effort to re-write the script. Robert Gates is attempting to do just that at his nomination hearings: At Hearing, Gates Says U.S. Not Winning War in Iraq
So we’re not winning the war in Iraq? Really? What about all those “stay the course” speeches we’ve been subjected to? Golly Gee, and I thought all that bloodshed was just the “last throes”. Guess not.
And now we are told that there weren’t enough troops up front? You are kidding! Does this mean Shineski can be re-hired?
What with all the leaks about what is being said by whom and to whom, and now Gates towing Papi Bush’s line, I get the feeling that young King George is a lonely boy. Daddy is slowly, but surely, surrounding him, taking away his toys before he hurts himself anymore. Poor little George … noithing to do but ride his bike. At least let’s hope so before he ruins America permanently.
I just wish the Democratic party had an idea about what to do!
Oh well can’t have everything. I’ll content myself with watching boy George squirm.