Another One Bites the Dust?

The rumors are flying that John Snow might be the next casualty in Bush’s attempt to get his administration back on track. The New York Times has this story: Treasury Secretary Is Said to Be Thinking of Quitting

I don’t think anyone who follows the economy closely will miss this guy. He is a figurehead who never mouthed a single policy or suggestion of his own, and was treated around the world as totally insignificant. During the Alan Greenspan era the Treasury Secretary was always somewhat overshadowed, the exception being Robert Rubin, but the last two: Paul O’Neil and Snow, have been duffers entirely subject to the whim of Karl Rove.

I don’t know that any heavyweight finance person would want the job and have to remain under Rove’s wing. Still the country needs some clear economic management: the financial markets are getting a little nervous about the endless deficits and the complete lack of policy to eliminate the red ink. Until some brave soul steps forward we are stuck with Snow doing whatever he does.

Which is definitely nothing to do with the economy or the Treasury.

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