Bye Bye Harriet
So long Harriet we won’t miss you. Miers withdrawal is a stunning indictment of George Bush’s lack of judgement. He couldn’t push through his less-than-competent crony choice, even past his own party. The right wing extremists who currently pull the strings in the Republican party, and have moved as far from the mainstream as they can, beat George to a pulp on this one. He deserved it. Had Miers been even vaguely qualified, intead of being jsut one more Texas buddy, Bush would surely have found someone to support her. Instead even uber Bush fans such as the hard right James Dobson, who as you may recall endorsed Miers initially at Rove’s urging, has come down as being opposed. Presumably his ‘flock’ weighs more on his mind than loyalty to the sinking White House. Looks like the rats are jumping! By the way: Dobson runs a church despite not being ordained, his claim to fame, or to infamy, is his best selling book advocating spanking as a form of child discipline, and prior to this he was a Bush man all the way. Now what does George do? Nominate a religious freak and openly break with his ‘no litmus test’ policy? Or throw in the towel and remember that most of America is not a bunch of evangelical extremists and sits squarely in the middle? Maybe it’s time for him to forget his ‘base’ and stand up for the whole country. Nah! Won’t happen! Look for a fanatic.