Pity Romney

Maybe not.

But on purely humanitarian grounds you have to feel sorry for him. Such is the toxic mix of the Republican platform that in order to make himself appear less plutocratic and to show his common touch he has to talk glowingly of his Romney care health reforms in Massachusetts, which is anathema to his party’s base.

Damned if you do. Damned if you don’t. What fun.

One the one hand he has to appear in public and berate those reforms as being anti-American, and on the other he has to appear in public to laud them as being a product of his socially aware and sensitive side.

This ought to be easy for him by now.

After all he has argued we don’t need to do anything for the uninsured because they have access to emergency rooms; whilst during a prior incarnation he argued that reliance on emergency rooms was akin to socialism – gasp – because it meant that society as footing the bill collectively, hence the need for the reform that became known as Romney Care.

At least it’s entertaining. You never know quite what he’ll promise next as he flips and flops about on the shifting sands of the GOP’s policy beach.

Meanwhile there is at least one area where he doesn’t contradict himself. Not yet. Not publicly. That is in his much hyped tax plan. He promises to reveal the content of this black box during the presidential debates. Up until then he won’t add any detail at all. I look forward to his revelation with bated breath. As far as I can tell, and admittedly this is based on what little information I have, he will have to repeal the rules of arithmetic and toss out the laws of physics to make his policy work. This is because of his avowed intention to make it revenue neutral. Quite how you cut taxes for everyone yet keep tax revenues constant is beyond me. But that’s because I don’t believe in supply side magic. I guess, as they say, you make it up in volume.

Magic, self-contradiction, and a willingness to be vague. That’s the ticket!

Actually we ought not take pity on him. His delusions of grandeur and his plutocratic arrogance are what drove him into the morass. This is s self-inflicted drubbing. Let’s hope it gets him off the stage for good.


Perhaps we ought to pity Fox News also. The recent trend in the polls showing a sharp turn towards Obama defies their preferred narrative. So much so that they’ve taken to calling the polls false, misleading, and probably rigged by the left leaning media. They argue that the purpose of this rigging is to discourage Romney supporters and assure Obama of an unearned victory. The only problem with this story is that Fox’s own poll say the same thing: it has Obama up by a 6%+ and growing lead. Maybe Fox is too honest to rig its poll? Maybe it is too incompetent? Maybe it can’t be bothered? Or maybe, just maybe, Obama is more popular than Romney. Nah. That can’t be right.

Oh well.

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