McCain and Morality

Is it possible to be less morally fit for the presidency? I don’t think so. John McCain’s run for president has sunk to such a base level that even some of his long time supporters are now running from him. Andy Sullivan is one:The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan

The continuous stream of sleaze and lies coming from the McCain camp is an affront to the country. It is selling us short. There are discussions of our problems, just a torrent of slander. His desperate attempt to become president has compelled him to walk away from all sense of decency and proportion. His adverts are almost all total lies. His statements pervert and twist reality into an alternative and completely unreal shadow. Perhaps this is who he really is. Perhaps he is this awful and evil.

Then we don’t need him.

We have just lived through the worst presidency in living memory, not just because of the incompetency, but because of the ‘mis-speaking’ that has reached a peak we have never seen before. It is a shame that Orwell is the best recourse for learning how to interpret our current administrations statements.

But McCain is trying to raise [or lower?] the bar even more. He wants to leave reality totally behind and live a world populated by spite and hatred. By division and falsehood.

And that’s ‘change we can believe in’?

I think not.

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