What: Bush Lied? No! How Can That Be?

The Associated Press did this quick fact check on Bush’s more egregious lies last night: A look at the facts behind Bush’s speech I came across the list at Talking Points memo this morning.

Is there no one who can shut this fool up? Does he honestly think we care any more about what he says? He has lived in a world of spin since he launched, totally unprovoked, his war on Iraq. His personal crusade. His dangerous lunacy just astounds me. His total lack of honesty, courage, mental capacity … anything at all. He is a shambolic mess and he’s so indifferent to his country that he simply doesn’t care anymore about what we all think. He just wants to hang in there and get out of the White House without having to admit that not one of his [by then] eight years in office has produced even one wit of substance.

He is vapid.

He is venal.

He is a danger to America.

And he continues to lie. The most amusing lie is about the 35 coalition members who are “standing by America”. I suppose that includes the one officer from Iceland who is reportedly going home soon. Or the one from Canada. Or the one from New Zealand. Oh, and does it include that mighty army of Spain’s who’s contribution is actually to train Iraqis in Spain … all twenty-five of them? OK so maybe if you do the contorted Bushie math you can come up with about 30 countries. But no one seems to be able to list them all. And does that guy from Iceland really make such a diffrence we should wax lyrical about his contribution to the occupation?

Didn’t think so.

No wonder no one takes Bush seriously. He should just go back to his bunker and hope no one finds him. He deserves … well you figure it out!

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