GAO Report on Iraqi Benchmarks

Courtesy of the Talking Points Memo website, here is the GAO report on progress in Iraq. Basically there is none. Read it so you can be informed as we head into the storm of spin that the Bush regime will throw at us over the next few week:The TPM DOCUMENT COLLECTION – GAO Report on Iraqi Benchmarks

So. There has been no appreciable progress in the US major aim of establishing enough stability for an Iraqi government to take hold. Case closed.

But wait: Bush and Cheney are already ginning up reasons to bomb Iran so they can obfuscate us on Iraq … which, in turn, helped hide the situation in Afghanistan.

Here’s a simple thought: if Iraq is such a success why did Bush have to fly in without warning, to a top secret remote desert base to get his latest photo op? This is four year on from “mission accomplished”. So where are the flower strewn streets and the victory parades? Where are the outpourings of gratitude? The stable democracy? The vibrant pro-western economy?

Nowhere. Bush had to slink in under cover and slide out before the locals knew he was there. Some victory! Some success!

The constant re-writing and spinning of the Bush regime is astounding. They don’t seem to be able to keep up with the disaster they created.

Every one of America’s erstwhile opponents in the world wide game of diplomacy is loving the quagmire that is Iraq. China, Russia, and Iran are all much stronger players on the world stage as a result of Bush’s folly. The vaunted American war machine is bogged down and tired. It is spread so thin that even petty dictators can feel strong enough to poke at us. American money is pouring into a black hole for no reason other than Bush’s childish ego.

And he is having to throw even his most loyal followers overboard: first Rove and then Gonzales. Who’s next? The whole Bush monstrosity has been built around fear: making Americans cower so they’ll give up their own freedom and allow the administration to do whatever it wants.

The problem with being all powerful is that there is no one left to blame when things go wrong. Bush, like the petulant child that he is, is now learning that and is lashing out at all around him.

The GAO report says quite clearly that Bush has failed in Iraq … by his own benchmarks.

Now comes the spin. Now comes more lying.

When will it end?

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