What Health Care?

The world’s worst health care system continues to degenerate into farce. The latest Census Bureau finding show that the number of uninsured Americans continues to grow. Now we are up to over 44 million. Here’s the New York Times take:A Sobering Census Report: Bleak Findings on Health Insurance

Not that the Bush regime thinks this is a problem. After all he recently said that being uninsured was no big deal because you could always go to the emergency room. Compassionate conservatism at its very best! How thoughtful of you George! No wonder America ranks at the bottom of the industrial world’s health tables. It simply doesn’t care about its sick or its children.

Then he turns around and threatens to veto an extension of the children’s coverage available through Medicaid. More technically he wants to prevent Federal money being used to provide health care to children because “it would interfere with the private provision of health care”. As if the private system was working! How thoughtful these Republicans are. Let the children be sick. Just as long as we protect the insurance companies and their profits. The hypocrisy is abominable: Bush argues that we shouldn’t extend welfare into the middle class, because that’s socialism. Then exactly what is mortgage interest rate relief? The lost tax revenues on mortgage interest is greater than the cost of the health care for children. Uncle Sam subsidizes middle class homes and no one seems to want to call that socialism [which it is!]. And why is it that we mandate education for kids, but not health care? Isn’t that socialist as well: why shouldn’t all kids get whatever education they can afford from private schools? Sadly there are Republicans reading this that agree we should abolish mandated education.

Compassionate conservatism … what an oxymoron.

America may be wealthy, but it is astonishingly morally impoverished. Let the children be sick! Who cares? They should get themselves insurance dammit!

What a rotten stench this health care system gives off. The world’s worst and getting worse.

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