Gitmo Update

This falls into the category of ridiculous. The Bush regime is having, supposedly, a hard time shrinking the population of detainees at Gitmo! Why? Because some of them are suing the US to prevent themselves being released and sent back to countries that have an even worse human rights record! Here’s the New York times take:Hurdles Frustrate Effort to Shrink Guantanamo

Now is it just me, or is this a tad ironic? Last we heard Bush and co were screaming that Gitmo is a bastion in our line of defense against evil-doers. The inmates in the gulag down in Cuba were all, indisputably, evil. We were not safe if any one of them was loosed again, ever.

Now we can’t get rid of them even when we want! Why? Because the inmates realize that being tortured and illegally incarcerated by Bush is actually better than being sent back to, say, Tunisia!

What a mess.

Bush can’t even set up a gulag without screwing it up.

It would be funny were it not for the permanent stain on American morality that Gitmo, legalized torture, abandoning the Geneva Convention, renditions and so on have brought.

The monkey is a joke. So is the country while he occupies the White House.

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