They Erased the Tapes?

So we have sunk to this? The White House today said that it may have “lost” the tapes that refer to the US Attorney scandal. Here’s the story in the New York Times:White House Says It May Be Missing Attorney E-Mails

Yea right.

Senator Leahy shot right back on the Senate floor, and I agree with him: they didn’t lose those tapes, they just don’t want to hand them over.

So the Senate Judiciary committee will use its subpoena power. Looks like we have a real scandal after all. You don’t erase tapes just for fun. You do it to hide stuff.

And one more thing: using a public service for Administration e-mails is against the law; and it possibly is a breach of national security as well. there are fools up at the White House. Dangerous fools.

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