And This is What They mean by Moral Values?

The deal is done. There are many who never thought that the Republicans who opposed George Bush’s effort to legalize torture was real: they argued that it was political window dressing. Some others thought that a great principle was being defended. Oh well. The administration won anyway. America now condones torture. How low, how desperately low, can we have fallen. The New York Times reports the “deal” here: Top Republicans Reach an Accord on Detainee Bill

This was done in our names. It is evil. It is contrary to any of the time honored values and traditions of America.

While it is vaguely understandable why politicians seeking election would surrender their principles, it surely is unacceptable for religious leaders to follow along. These are our so-called providers of moral leadership. So I ask where are they?

Where are the Archbishops, the priests, the preachers, the rabbis, and the mullahs? Where are they?

Playing politics or providing moral leadership?

Don’t ask. The answer is depressing.

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