Rumsfeld is an Idiot

Dear old Rummy. Remember him? He’s the one who sent us into Iraq undermanned, underplanned, and underarmored. Well he’s re-emerged as the hit man for the Bush regime’s last gasp at making us all scared. He says that we shouldn’t appease the “Islamofascists”. The New York Times has his comments here: Rumsfeld Lashes Out at Bush’s Critics

Frankly he should shut up and go away. He failed. His advice was appalling. His incompetence is astonishing. America has sunk into international disrepute on his watch. He over stretched our military. He ignored the advice of his generals. We are less safe. And Iraq has slipped into civil war. The guys a bozo. No one should take him seriously.

Get out Rumsfeld! You owe it to America to make way for a real patriot.

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