Mid East Fiasco

Sidney Blumenthal has an excellent article in Salon about American Mid East policy [if there is any]. Here it is: Domino diplomacy | Salon

Now this is scary. The problem I have with a “domiono” scenario such as this, is that it places the desired end result at such a distance from any immediate action. Rather than bringing what moral and military force it has left to bear, the US leaves it to proxies, or proxies of proxies, to do its work for it.

Here’s an idea: maybe the US should tell the Israelis to stop. Now. If they don’t then we should withdraw our aid. If they still don’t then we should stop vetoing the UN’s efforts to get the Israelis to obey any of the international laws that they have been flouting for years.

Here’s another idea: we should stop thinking of the middle east as a playground for half baked right wing christian nut job think tank inspired ideas. Those ideas have failed. Totally. People are dying because Bush and his regime have no touch with reality. Iraqis are dying at the rate of five an hour. The US is withdrawing troops from outlying regions to beef up security in Baghdad. And we are told that we won this thing?

Bush is so incompetent I doubt if he could ride a bike without training wheels. Come on think about it: have we ever seen him alone out there?

Meanwhile Lebanon burns and we are told its all their own fault. Rubbish.

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