Unconstitutional Bush
The American Bar Association, hardly a bastion of liberal activism, has issued a report condemning George Bush’s habit of signing legislation while at the same time announcing that he does not feel bound by it. Such activity, the ABA says, is unconstitutional. The Washington Post has the report here: Bush’s Tactic of Refusing Laws Is Probed
Apparently Bush has done this more than any other president. Does that surprise anyone? Certainly not me. Bush has been acting as if he were a dictator for pretty much his entire regime [it’s behaviour like this that makes me call it a “regime”]. Cheney and his ilk have no qualms about enhancing the power of the executive. And George Bush, being the spoilt brat that he is, will try to get away with whatever mayhem he can until the adults among us take away his toys. It seems as if the ABA is trying to wake the adults up.
Bush has ruled in glorious monarch like fashion because he has a totally supine, compliant, Congress. A Congress that seems not to mind passing legislation and then having the president say he will ignore it. Unfortunately Congress is inhabited by weak minded extremists who put the ideological needs of revolutiuon ahead of obedience to the consitution. Such is the helter skelter rush of Congress to push through an extreme right wing agenda that it failed to notice the lasting damage Bush is doing to the American system of government. When the ABA says we are heading toward a constitutional crisis the more sober among us should pay heed.
Having strong partisan views is one thing, exercising monarchical powers to push through an agenda that less than half the population support is verging on dictatorship is another.
Before Americans get worked up over their supposed “land of the free” perhaps they should pay attention to what is being done to them by the Republican led moralists. The slope downward is getting steeper by the day. The ABA is to be congratulated for firing a shot in defiance of the king.