Moral Equvalence and Israel

Here is an example of the unrelenting pro-Israle bias in American policy. Buried in this article in the Washington Post is a reference to John Bolton: Lebanese Civilian Deaths May Embolden Terrorists – Early Warning

Get that? A dead Lebanese civilian is not at all the moral equivalent of a dead Israeli. What the …. ?

Just imagine the recruiting power that this has for Hezbollah, Hamas, or Al Qaeda! An Israeli is worth a lot more than a dead Palestinian, a dead Lebanese etc. What a windfall for the extremists we are fighting. Here, in black and white, for all the world to see is a simple proclamation of the immunity and special status given to Israel.

All deaths, except those of the perpetrators of violence, are precisely morally equivalent. To say otherwise is a wicked and immoral stand against humanity. Does America have so poor a moral compass that it cannot even understand the simple equivalence of all human life?

John Bolton is both a fool and an immoral man. And he has harmed American interests by uttering such an evil statement.

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