More Tax Law Changes . . .

Well now we know more about those proposed tax law changes. For those of you who are already depressed about losing some, if not all your mortgage interest rate deduction, how about this one: no more deducting State or Local taxes! Now I wonder which parts of the country this would hurt the most? Ah! Those nasty blue states, the ones with services for their populations! If this gets approved the average tax bills in the Northeast and on the West coast will sky rocket and those regions will end up subsidizing the South and Mid-West even more. Just in case you forgot the so-called red states are those who routinely vote for less government and then rely on the Federal government for hand-outs and welfare. While the blue states are the ones who don’t mind government programs and send more monmey to Washington than they receive. How long would that arrangement last if Federal taxes rose radically, let’s say, in New York? Does the adminsitration really think that New York [or any of the other high property tax states] really wants to sink in service levels to, say, Alabama? Forget globalization as a source of diminished living standards, how about this administration?

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