How can we save or restore democracy if we are unclear what it is?
So: what is democracy for?
People have been opining about democracy for ages. Definitions have been getting ever more refined and cultured. Sometimes they can seem pretty vague and lost in an abundance of cleverness. Many of them center on intellectual niceties and arguments centuries ago — back in the day when the word “liberty” had many meanings depending on which social group was trying to “liberate” itself and from what oppressive force that liberation was taking place. That’s why the conjunction of the two words liberal democracy can cause so much confusion. Are we talking about liberalism or about democracy? The two are very different.
But here we are.
Why do so many people nowadays spend so much time in vexed thought devoted to the imminent demise of something they call democracy? Is it worth it? Or are we not supposed to ask such sensitive questions?
We are but a few weeks into Trump’s latest regime and the more erudite journals are full of articles bemoaning something everyone calls “the end of American democracy”, or, in the case of Steve Levitsky and Lucan Way in a recent article: “The Path to American Authoritarianism”.
Levitsky, in particular has made quite a career out of bemoaning the frailties of American democracy and its near-end.
So, I ask again, what is democracy for?
It seems to me that unless we know that we cannot begin to discuss its prospects.
Within a few paragraphs of the beginning of their essay, Levitsky and Way write this:
“U.S. democracy will likely break down during the second Trump administration, in the sense that it will cease to meet the standard criteria for liberal democracy: full adult suffrage, free and fair elections, and broad protection of civil liberties.”
That’s pretty clear. The implication is that democracy is a system designed to protect that particular set of political freedoms: free elections and so on.
This is what I call the “values” version of democracy. It is a definition that gives precedence to the machinery of governance. There’s nothing wrong with it. That machinery is very important. Without it democracy cannot function. And, yes, civil liberties are part of the machinery: they allow opposition and argument to exist without repression by authority.
Most of the current commentary filling those erudite pages follow similar lines of argument to that of Levitsky and Way. There is much angst over the loss of various “norms” designed to prevent the concentration of power necessary in an authoritarian system. Those “checks and balances” so beloved of the commentariat are the traditional bastions against a slide away from liberal democracy. Although, as Levitsky and Way point out, such aspects of a governance system are easily and often ignored. They exist best when politics is near consensus. When it ventures into more polarized moments they seem to vaporize all too easily. They are pointless the the point is needed most.
For example: Trump tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power after his defeat in 2020. Those vaunted norms and so on utterly failed to rein him in. The subsequent vacillation and feckless reaction of the legal system — one of those checks and balances — merely allowed him to build his case that the election was a massive fraud. Instead of decisive action, the legal system wandered about in disarray for a very long time before it stirred itself into trying to be either a check or a balance. Its failure was historically epic. And it demonstrated clearly how shallow a system of values is worth only the paper it is written on. In this case it isn’t even written down. It is this worthless. As the result has shown. Norms, checks and balances, and the other niceties of polite liberal democracy exist only so far as there is a moral base to support them. Once the morality of the political class has collapsed they have no foundation and disappear. To say they are soft is to understate their quality.
But there is a deeper problem with these soft values being the rationale for, or definition of, democracy.
They do not explain why we want democracy in the first place. After all, it is a fairly modern conception. The long history of humanity has very few instances of democracy for us to examine for precedence. The machinery of democratic governance is not the reason democracy exists. It is the way it exists. It is the way in which we express democracy. It is our democratic method. If we confuse the method for the reason we have lost sight of our purpose. We need engineering to build bridges, but good engineering is not why we need bridges. There are gaps to cross.
So what is democracy for?
This, it seems, is a very difficult question because it is rarely, if ever, answered in all the current torrent of articles flooding our journals. Few, if any, of our leading experts appear to want to dig deeply and reveal the truth.
Which is that democracy exists as a contrary force to excessive liberty. It is the brake of the collective good on excessive individual aspiration. When we set the “individual” free from the shackles of tradition we unleashed a potential evil that needed constraint. Uncontrolled individuality in the political and economic domains lead us, almost inevitably, back to authoritarianism. It is an invitation for the re-emergence of an aristocratic elite, only this time with a basis in industry rather than land.
That is an unpleasant reality for any doyen of modern theory. It seems so old fashioned. Plus, it’s a difficult argument to have in a contemporary society infused with individuality as a core value on both sides of the political spectrum.
For several decades now America has slid steadily away from notions about, or ideals of, collective aspiration. The word “we” has been replaced steadily by the word “I”. Searches of articles and literature confirm this slippage.
The political consequence of this slide has been the loss of broad consensus building concerning the purpose of governance. That previous broader base has been replaced by a patchwork of narrow and often contradictory purposes. Thus no consensus exists. This undermines the possibility and potential of the checks and balances being called into action as bulwarks against authoritarianism. There is too fractured an opposition for unwritten norms to build sufficient strength to have efficacy. They remain talking points and not walls against tyranny.
With the collective removed as an effective principle in politics, the game shifts dramatically in favor of those who can amass power through non-political means. And that, in a market-driven economy implies power resides with the wealthy. They can purchase access to politicians, they can acquire media outlets, they can fund academia, they can corrupt the legal system, they can immunize themselves from civic responsibility. Indeed the entire structure of social cohesion is eroded in favor of a winner-take-all alternative — there is no such thing as society. Inevitability this leads to the irrelevance of “norms”. After all, norms only have purchase in a system where a majority adheres to them. Absent the collective there is never a majority to be brought into the discussion. A multitude of voices is a rabble. And, as history has taught us only too well, rabbles are easily overrun.
Without understanding this basic interpretation of democracy as the expression of the collective against the individual, all that superstructure of values — the machinery of democracy — is meaningless. There is no foundation upon which they can sit. Indeed, some of them make no sense. Even the best machinery, when robbed of a purpose, decays into a fog of nonsense.
Worse, the emphasis on the individual is simply a trap set by the minority to rule over the majority. With the collective neutralized as a political force a powerful minority dominates and protects its privileges and status. Inequality is thus built, not as some natural outcome of socio-economic activity, but as a deliberate policy goal. And the steady accumulation of wealth or income inequality reinforces the inequality of power. The process of the erosion of democracy is actually also a process for the prevention of its re-emergence By accumulating disproportionate wealth the minority simultaneously, in a system where wealth is the metric of power, entrenches itself.
And this was the purpose of the advocates of so-called “free markets” and deregulation back in the late 1970s and early 1980s. The goal was not to set markets free, but to manage them carefully in order to create opportunities to extract rents. The language of individuality became a veil over a power grab. Only collective action can enforce a free market — by deploying state power to eradicate rent seeking and to encourage the vibrancy of textbook competition. In the absence of strong government working on behalf of the collective, powerful individuals and corporations flourish and overpower any semblance of democracy. It is no coincidence that that many of the most ardent advocates of that takeover of power and opposition to the concept of social action were also ardent opponents of democracy.
This power grab was described by Mehrsa Baradaran as “The Quiet Coup”. The upheaval that began with the Powell Memorandum, the overt political activity of the Business Roundtable and the Chamber of Commerce, and continued with the capture of “Cold War” economics by wealthy patrons and donors to university departments, resulted in a massive intellectual shift away from a focus on protecting the interests of most Americans in favor of the narrow few who owned substantial assets. The capitalists undid democracy. It was, indeed, a coup. It just took a while for the takeover to become manifest.
It is no accident that the rallying cry for this coup was the “individual”. Specifically, it was about setting the individual free from the impress of government. The true purpose of the power grab was hidden from the public whose attention was drawn to the allure of individuality. On reflection it is now clear that the Reagan era was the initiation of the end of democracy and the undoing of the middle class. The shift towards a newly empowered elite sundered social cohesion. There have been two Americas ever since.
The steady separation of the elite from the masses created by this process ended up with a perverse but predictable consequence: the elite, by undoing democracy and enriching itself at the expense of the masses, condemned society to inevitable decline. Its members became, in Lachmann’s famous phrase, “first class passengers on a sinking ship.” In other words, excess at the top destroyed the potential for success throughout. The absence of democracy being the reason for the excess. Overly concentrated wealth and income deprived society overall of the energy for growth. So, slowly but surely, that energy was sapped away. The opportunity for security and prosperity for the majority slipped away with it. The ship began to sink. And it is sinking still.
Which gets us back to that basic question: what is democracy for?
Without democracy interpreted as collective restraint on the excesses of untrammeled individuality there is no brake on the accumulation of power by a rent-seeking elite and we end up back in the mess that humanity found itself in for millennia — at the beck and call of that small slice of society ruling in its own best interests. Democracy thus appears to have been a brief interlude in the long term, and apparently much more normal, repression of the masses by a wealthy clique.
So, in its proper historical context, and stripped of its value-based superstructure, democracy is about the creation of a countervailing power against the ability and willingness of the traditional wealthy elite to oppress that majority and to divert a disproportionate share of the national wealth into its own coffers. It is a spare and easy to understand concept. Without the arcane and vague values that our commentariat so love to discuss, democracy is about power. It is about solidarity in the face of an elite determined to divide and rule.
And the power inherent in that solidarity — let me repeat — is meant to distribute a fair share of the national wealth to the majority and away from the minority. In other words it is meant to prevent the creation of inequality and to mitigate against the distortion of society by the privileges and dangers that excess wealth bestows.
In modern society individual liberty permits the creation of wealth. Democracy is about the distribution of that wealth.
That is what democracy is for.
It is about balance. It is not the suppression of individuality, but the countering of its excess. So when we use the phrase “liberal democracy” we are recognizing the existence of both triumphs of modernity: the creation of the individual, carved away from the grip of tradition, and the recognition of our frailties with the subsequent need to restrain the possible excess inherent in the elimination of that tradition. Power, in a democracy, resides in the solidarity of the majority.
Ancient tradition was the suppression of the individual in favor of concentrated power within a privileged elite. Modern, democratic, tradition is the limitation of the individual in favor of the majority against the emergence of such a privileged elite.
Democracy is about power, not values. It’s that simple.
And, against that simple measure we have been steadily becoming less democratic for decades. Trump is the denouement of a long term decline. He is not the beginning but the end. He is the latest expression of a decline that began with Reagan. And the measure of that decline is that his coup — the infamous January 6th riots — was anything but silent. It was overt. It went unpunished. Such is the disarray of democracy that his contempt for America met little resistance from those whose role is to protect its values. For values without power to enforce them are no values at all.
Method is not reason.